Built : 1986 Japan
Type of Vessel : Ro-Ro Car Ferry
Loa : 150 m
Breadth : 25.00 meters
Registered depth : 13.30 meters
Gross Tonnage : 9,023 m/t
Net Tonnage : 4,973 m/t
Formula DWT : 20,549 m/t
Number of decks : 1 unit
Number of masts : 1 unit
Number of funnels : 1 unit
Number of propels : 2 unit
Type of engine : ( 2 ) engine,
Engine brand : Mitsubishi Man 86 58/64
Speed :22.5 Knots
Maximum continuous Power: 12,000 X 2 BHP
It was operating within Japan, so it doesn't have classification.
Prompt delivery
Price: 10 M USD