suitable shipping region international line
Class(Classification Society) CCS
Tonnage(T) 11000 Design speed 12.76
Total length(m) 132.00 Breadth(m) 19.80
Depth(m) 10.00 Draft (m) 7.60
Gross tonnage 7099 Net tonnage 3919
hatch numbers 10 volumes of hatch 11676.6m3
Main engine 4500PS£¡§HP£© Generator 293KW*3/£¡§ Cummins
Bow Lateral 315KW£¡§ Xiaoteer£©
Main distribution panel/ console Zhengjiang Saiernike
/Shanghai Si Bo
Deep-well pump One cabin one pump
Automation cabin MCC
Build year 2006.12 estimated time of delivery 2008.05
Build place zhejiang releasing time 2008-01-22